The Lace Guild is the largest organization for lacemakers in the UK, international membership is also available. The Guild provide information about the craft of lacemaking, its history and use, it promotes a high standard of lacemaking and encourages the design, development and professional presentation of lace.
My YouTube Channel – I’ve converted a number of my beginners lacemaking patterns to YouTube videos that are freely available for all to follow, there is a link to one of the videos on the Social media/Contact me page
The Ring of Tatters is an organisation which supports and promotes the craft of tatting. It encourages people to learn how to tat. It encourages both new and experienced tatters to enjoy their craft and develop their skills.
Brugge Kantcentrum is a not for profit organisation promoting lace, lacemaking and lace teaching. I have attended many summer schools at the Kantcentrum, most classes are taught in four languages which is an experience in itself!
Wikipedia on Binche lace An overview of Binche lace
Allhallows Museum in Honiton, Devon has one of the most comprehensive collections of Honiton lace in the world. There are two galleries which feature Honiton lace from the 16th to the early 20th century.
I am Treasure of North Cheshire Lacemakers Group. The group meets in Helsby on the second Saturday of odd numbered months and second Friday or even numbered months (except August). On a Saturday there is a speaker in the afternoon. The group holds a number of weekend and day courses in Frodsham each year which are open to members and non-members.
Gawthorpe Hall is the home of the Rachel Kay Shuttleworth Collection in Burnley, Lancashire. If you like textiles a visit to seem Miss Rachel’s work and collection is a must.
Diabetes UK is a charity that campaigns on behalf of every person affected by or at risk of diabetes. They provide information, help and support so diabetics can manage their condition effectively.
The Beadworkers Guild is a UK organisation for beaders
Jean Power is a beading teacher, I’ve followed a number of her Zoom classes and taken part in bead alongs