Here are Binche some patterns I have designed – enjoy! All patterns are my copyright, they have been set to print on A4 paper. If you are from a county that doesn’t use A4 paper please amend your printer settings so that the prickings are exactly the same size as I designed them. More may follow in time.

My pattern for this triangular piece of Binche lace appeared in LACE 150 (LACE is the membership magazine of The Lace Guild). The piece has been edited slightly to exclude the information box that appeared on the page
The pattern for this piece of Binche lace appeared in LACE 156. The pattern was part of an article on how the lace changed from a circle to a square with mirrors!

My pattern for this piece of Binche lace appeared in LACE 140. If you mirror the lace it looks like an ampersand (&) or a baby.

I’ve also had Binche patterns in the following Kantcentrum publications:
– Susan’s apple in KOBE KANTSPECIAL
– Heart in Binche Lace in LJUBLJUNA KANT SPECIAL (EXPERT), a picture of the heart is on the right here.